Oil and Gas Noise Control

We offer noise studies for the oil and gas industry
Noise Monitoring Services is a leading provider of noise and vibration monitoring services, noise studies and analyses for oil and gas drilling, fracking, mining and other natural resource production projects. Our engineers are highly qualified acoustical consultants with many years experience in performing noise studies and finding solutions to noise related issues.
Need to discuss your project with an acoustical consultant?
For a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch with our team.
Predictive noise studies and three-dimensional computer noise modeling.
Predictive noise studies play a crucial roll in the planning stages of an oil and gas production project. A properly conducted noise study presents an environment impact report showing existing ambient noise levels, and project noise. Noise levels may depend on terrain and proposed equipment usage. In many cases equipment measurements are conducted in order to accurately predict their influence on the soundscape. These findings are presented along with code regulations, highlighting potential problems and mitigations solutions. Noise mitigation solutions for oil and gas production equipment may include equipment selection, equipment position, silencers, mufflers and sound barriers among other options. Our consultants have years of experience guiding project noise from the planning stages to comply with oil and gas regulations and maintaining maximum operational efficiency.

Noise contour map of a drilling rig generated using predictive noise modeling.

Noise and vibration monitoring.
Regular noise monitoring is crucial to maintaining compliance with local noise limits. Our noise and vibration monitoring systems are fully automated with real time data and alerts sent to our clients devices of choice. Clients also have access to historical data and as well as real time noise and vibration levels with multiple measurement points. For more information call now to speak with a representative or visit our remote noise monitoring page for more details on our noise monitoring systems.
Follow the link below to learn more.
Oil and Gas Production Noise and Vibration Issues
Our Engineers have many years of experience providing noise and vibration monitoring services and noise studies and analyses for natural resource production projects. Here are some noise challenges we've faced and overcome to meet regulations compliance for our clients:

Noise on Drilling Rigs
Drilling rigs are essential for resource extraction but are also major sources of noise. Identifying and addressing the primary noise sources is critical for maintaining a safe and compliant work environment.
Major Sources of Noise in Drilling
Generator sets Can create up to 102dB in close range.
Top drives/rig engines Generate noise levels of 90–110 dB during drilling operations.
Mud pumps create a low rumbling noise measuring 90–95 dB.
- Shale Shakers are a loud source of low frequency noise potentially measuring up to 85 dB.
Support Equipment Ventilation fans, compressors, and general construction activities significantly add to the overall noise environment.

Noise in Fracking Operations
Fracking is essential for resource extraction, but the process is also a significant source of noise. Identifying and addressing primary noise sources is crucial to ensuring a safe and compliant work environment.
Major Sources of Noise in Fracking
Blender Trucks are a significant source of noise in the fracking process. the process of churning sand water and proppants requires high pressure pumps and generators that can exceed noise levels of 100dB.
High pressure pumps are then used to send a mix of water and chemicals into the borehole. This pumping phase can reach up to 110 dB. Additionally, fracking pumps generally produce low noise in lower frequency ranges causing vibrations and demand a more complex mitigation strategy.
Mitigation Solutions
Creating a quieter and safer environment demands expertise and a comprehensive strategy. Our team offers tailored noise monitoring, analysis, and mitigation services designed to ensure compliance with local regulations, and improve operational efficiency.
Effective noise control requires a multi-faceted approach. Engineering controls, such as using quieter equipment and enclosing noisy machinery and installing noise barriers, are a primary solution. Administrative controls, like rotating work schedules, redirecting traffic and implementing noise management protocols can limit individual exposure to high noise levels. Personal protective equipment (PPE), including earplugs and earmuffs, provides an added layer of protection for workers.
Mitigation solutions for generator sets can include installing exhaust silencers, enclosures and temporary noise walls. Inlet and and outlet baffles can help reduce noise by cooling the air as it travels through engine. Reducing power to variable fan speeds can also help lower the amount of noise generated by cooling systems.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you manage noise effectively and sustainably.
Past Project Examples:
Oil Wells, California
We conducted 24-hour ambient noise measurements as part of a comprehensive noise study aimed at assessing the current environment and predicting the potential impact of adding new wells onto the property. By integrating our findings with years of experience and statistical data analyzed through our predictive software, we were able to confidently guide our clients, maintaining compliance while expanding their operations.
Oil Drilling and Production, Whittier, CA
We produced a mitigated negative declaration (MND) study for an oil production site in Whittier, California. The project required the design of temporary sound walls around the drilling rigs to protect local residents from excessive noise levels. Analysis of oil pipeline construction noise and production facility noise was also performed as part of the study.

Noise Monitoring Services is a supplier of Noise Barrier Blankets
Our acoustical blanket barriers are designed to easily attach to any existing 6 or 8 ft construction fence with construction sound control in mind.
The materials we use are high quality, durable and fire resistant (Flammability class B rated outer layer). Our noise barriers have been tested by an independent acoustical laboratory per ASTM E-90 and ASTM E-413 requirements. These blankets have a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 27.
Click the link for more information, or contact us now to speak with a representative.
P: (323) 546-9902
E: Info@thenoiseexperts.com