Oil, Gas and Mining Noise Control

We provide noise and vibration monitoring services, noise studies and analyses for oil and gas drilling, fracking, mining and other natural resource production projects. Our engineers are highly qualified acoustical consultants with many years experience in performing noise studies

Need to discuss your project with an acoustical consultant?
For a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch with our team.

    We provide a full compliment of noise-related services including:


    • Environmental noise study and mitigation
    • Environmental Impact Report (EIR) noise assessments to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines

    Natural Resource Production Facility Noise and Vibration Issues

    Having several years experience providing noise and vibration monitoring services, noise studies and analyses for natural resource production projects here are some noise challenges we've faced and overcome to meet regulations compliance for our clients:
    • Oil and gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing and production facilities
    • Mining operations
    • Water well drilling and pump stations
    Past Project Examples:

    Metal Mine and Processing Plant, Wyoming
    Our engineers were contracted to produce a full environmental noise study to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) standards for a proposed mining site in Wyoming. Many noise-producing activities were analyzed, including drilling, grading, transportation and ore processing. The mine is located in a remote area and we were able to show that most activities would not cause noise problems. To ensure the truck traffic complied with noise requirements, we made recommendations for alternative transportation routes and procedures.
    Oil Drilling and Production, Whittier, CA
    We produced a mitigated negative declaration (MND) study for an oil production site in Whittier, California. The project required the design of temporary sound walls around the drilling rigs to protect local residents from excessive noise levels. Analysis of oil pipeline construction noise and production facility noise was also performed as part of the study.