Noise Modeling
3D Acoustical Modeling
We provide acoustical engineering services, including 3D acoustical modeling using proprietary software. Noise modeling is often performed as a part of our noise study and assessment services.
We use specialist noise modeling software to accurately model and predict sound levels. This technique is used to determine potential noise problems and design solutions before project development. The noise modeling process involves collecting sound level and spectral frequency data for the sound sources that will be present, and constructing a fully three-dimensional computer model. Noise modeling can be used to:To assess project noise impacts, a full 3D model of your project site will be constructed. The model includes all features that are important to the propagation of sound such as buildings, walls, terrain elevation changes, ground types and vegetation. We can also take into account atmospheric conditions (eg. temperature, pressure, humidity). The results of the modeling are usually provided as noise contour maps, which show:
The sound propagation paths into the local area.
The effects of noise mitigation measures.
Areas of compliance or non-compliance.

Computer Noise Model
Predictive noise modeling is most useful when used in conjunction with ambient noise level measurements. A comparison of the existing noise levels with predicted future noise levels indicates whether there are noise impacts. Any significant increase in noise levels due to the project can be identified and mitigation can be designed as necessary.Previous projects have involved noise modeling for the prediction of sound levels for many different types of project, from those as small as predicting traffic noise at a single intersection, up to analyses for large mineral extraction projects covering many square miles.
We utilize noise modeling on most projects that we work on and have many years of experience in this field. Our acoustical consultants have an intimate working knowledge of noise modeling and have trained others in the use and principals of the modeling software. More details of the software package we use and its capabilities can be found on the SoundPlan website.
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